Pokemon Figurine
I went to Best Buy today and pre-ordered Pokemon Platinum. I got a free figurine as a gift. Below is it’s picture. It will be going in my off...
New Fanfiction Chapter Posted
Chapter four of Fighter's Pride is available on fanfiction.net account. You can read it here at http://www.fanfiction.net/u/1750124/R_T_Stephens
I think by now that anyone that comes to this site knows that I like Pokemon. I don't mind that others know this and I even brag about it a little ...
Kids, this is your brain on drugs
This has made the rounds now throughout the Internet but it's just too funny not to post here. In case you're wondering, the kid just got back from...
Another Fanfiction Chapter Posted
The next chapter of Fighter's Pride is up. The next one might be a while in coming since I'm only a quarter way through it and I haven't even start...
Super Bowl Commercial
I'll be honest. I mostly watch the Super Bowl for the commercials. Ask me next year who played this year's game and I'll just stare dumbly back and...